Chakras are one way to describe the energy fields in our bodies. Imagine the electricity in your wall outlet; even though you cannot see it, you know it is there. Everything has energy, as described in this Q&A from the Department of Physics, University of Illinois. Q & A: Living and non-living things with energy [1] Books |
Crystals, The Illustrated Field Guide, Judy Hall, 2000
The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall, 2003 The Secrets of Crystals, Shari Tuder 2003 Footnotes
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Crystals, Minerals, & Gemstones
Agate Balancing. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming and soothing to the emotions. (This quartz, belonging to the Chalcedony family, comes in a wide range of colors and is often variegated and banded. See Botswana, Dentritic, Fire Agates, Lace Agates, Moss Agatesand Plume Agates.) Agate Dendritic – Dentrite Fernlike markings, Stone of Abundance. Strengthens connection with nature. Helps command a number of situations at the same time. Associated with safe travel, general protection, loyalty and tranquility. (Fern designs in brown on white ground, Dentritic Agate - Quartz.) Agate Green Improves decision-making, resolves disputes. Enhances mental & emotional flexibility. .Agate Mexican Lace Physical stimulator. Renews strength and vitality during low physical periods. Reveals the truth. Gives overview of the crazy maze of life, therefore the next turn to make. Helps to heal the skin, heart, spine,and teeth. Attunes to 1st chakra. Stone of Aries. #1 vibration. .Agate Moss Native American power stone. Abundance, balance, and self-confidance. Harmonizes and attracts beauty. Accentuates all positive personality traits. Great stone for gardners and attuning to the earth. Helps heal allergies, skin, infection. Attunes to 4th chakra. Virgo stone. #4, #6, and #8 vibrations. .Aventurine Green The money and prosperity stone. Increases opportunity and motivation. Enhances joy and happiness and releases fear and anxiety. Originality. Enhances creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, career success, calmness and balance. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Green aventurine is considered to be especially healing of mind and body. "Healer of the heart and soul. "Balances masculine and feminine energies. Creativity, Leadership, and fun. Assists one in making the "right" decisions. Surrounds the user in a blanket of Love. Protects Helps heal the Heart, lungs, and adrenals. 4th chakra. Aries stone. #1, and #4 vibrations. (pale green, milky, Quartz. Ranges in color from golden brown to green.) Amber Calming for hyperactivity and stressed nerves, finds humor and joy. Amber brings romantic love, purification, wisdom, energy and balance. It enhances patience, altruism, strength, calmness, healing, remembrance of past lives and ancient knowledge. This gentle stone draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and heart as well. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and knowledge. "Manifestation". The "good luck" stone brings the purifying, revitalizing force of the sun and the absorptive, transmuting energy of the earth together to create a powerful tool. Draws disease out of the body and transforms it. Clears negativity. 2nd chakra. Leo and Sagittarius stone. #3 and #8 vibration. (Solidified and petrified sap from a pine tree. Its color is golden or amber.) Amber – gold Amber – green, earrings Amethyst encourages inner peace, fights addictive behavior, transforms energy. Stability, meditation. FEB. Place on third eye to relive headaches. "Metamorphosis" the ancient healer of all levels of body, mind, and spirit. Cleanses purifies, restructures and renews. Transforms lower energies into higher. Protects against psychic manipulation. Helps heal arthritis, hearing, and bones. 6th chakra. Pisces stone. #6, and #33 vibrations. Angelite Protects, strengthens degenerate organs, excellent for creative people. - A white metallic mineral. Promotes sensitivity, gentleness, relaxation and tenderness. .Apatite Keeps appetite down. Enhances intellect, focus, learning, clarity of concentration, acceptance, oceanic consciousness and unconditional love. It stimulates thoughts and ideas. This stone is useful in all intellectual pursuits. Apatite fosters peace and harmony through communication and communion with our higher self. (Comes in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to green, white, pink, blue or purple.) .Azurite A dark blue, metallic mineral. Augments clear understanding, cleansing, healing, transformation, perspective, purification, patience, kindness, intuition, prophecy and truth. This stone offers spiritual guidance, promotes psychic dreams, unites the subconscious with the conscious mind and expands the limits of our minds. Bismuth Synthetic crystal, squares placed like steps, provides stability and ability to progress. Bloodstone Prevents high blood pressure, cleanser of body, aids decision-making. MARCH. Brings rain, abundance, alignment, organization, smooth energy flow, generosity, idealism, good fortune and purification. It is good to keep a bloodstone in any place that needs its energy cleansed. (with agate necklace . Quartz. A dark green Chalcedony with red flecks , AKA: Heliotrope) Calcite Encourages calmness and serenity. Pomotes healing, mental balance and communication between the intellect and the emotions. Calcite Blue – Aids memory Calcite Green Aids memory, good for arts and sciences, balances mental and emotional. Promotes healing, mental balance and communication between the intellect and the emotions. (translucent green, waxy shiny surface) .Calcite White – (Also known as Iceland Spar) fosters spirituality. Carnelian Translucent orange. Quartz. A form of Chalcedony. Its color is reddish-orange or brown. Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. .Celestite Celestite fosters spiritual development, enlightenment, empathy prayer. openness, innocence, truth, clarity of thought and pureness of heart. This stone helps us contact our guardian angel. (A strontium compound. The color is light blue or white.) .Chrysanthemum Stone – Enable to see complete picture, teamwork. .Chrysocolla Is associated with tranquility, serenity, peace, subconscious wisdom, intuition, patience, nurturance, acceptance, tolerance, unconditional love, calmness, meditation, honesty, hope, intimacy, gentleness and sensitivity. (A blue-green member of the quartz clan. Also known as Gem Silica.) .Chrysoprase Green, Relaxation Stone, peaceful sleep, open ness to new situations. Stimulates creativity. Citrine Digestion, awareness, memory. Cleans auras, detoxifies the body, and aids tissue regeneration. Augments happiness, prosperity, generosity, creativity, pleasure, protection, strength, alignment, confidence, stability, moderation, energy, comfort, career success, truth, goodness, warmth, digestion, assimilation, enjoyment of life and spiritual growth. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. (A golden yellow quartz.) Coral Protection from evil, it increases imagination, resolves conflicts. Is associated with love, friendship and community. Desert Rose – Multi-tasking. Diamond Brings forth purity, harmony, and love, also brings abundance. APRIL. The "king" of all precious gems. It represents omnipotent power, purity and strength. Comprised of carbon, the foundation of all life, the diamond assists the wearer in the transformational process towards perfection. The symbol of trust, committment, innocence (our true nature), and Love. Diamonds have been known to attract inspiration, genius, and abundance. Balances metabolism, de-toxifies the body, and strengthens the eyesight. Diamond vivifies all chakras. Assists all signs. Contains all number vibrations. Emerald – MAY Fluorite – Rubbing Stone from Janie, Concentration, clarity, purification, harmony 9-8-03 Garnet Increases health, fidelity, imagination, and balances energy flow. Energy, self-love. JANUARY. The stone of devotion, to others, to self, and to one's aim. Awakens the "inner fire" of creativity. Provides regeneration and balance. Draws negativity away from the chakras. Inspires love and passion. Attracts good luck. Protection from toxins, depression, anemia and disorder. 1st chakra. Capricorn and Leo stone. #1, #3, and #6 vibrations. Garnet, Almondite – burgundy red glass-like Gold Purifying, healing, balancing attracts honors, masculine energy. Gold is associated with virtue, moral excellence, nobility of mind, purification, happiness, honor, wealth, strength of will, generosity, positive thoughts, energy, good humor, courage, stability, luck and opportunity. This metal stimulates action and ennobles the character. Granite Encourages us to go with the flow, and helps us find our highest path. Teaches us to live in a state of grace. .Hematite Grounding, promotes memory and common sense and level headedness. ‘Stone for the mind.’ Has a calming effect which helps one to sort things out and realize that limitations originate in the mind. Assists in the focusing of energy and emotions for balance of yin/yang and body/mind/spirit energies. Originality. Dissolves and transforms negativity to the universal light and love. Attracts and enables one to enter into loving relationships. Sign of Aries & Aquarius. "Stone of mental mastery." Photographic memory. Clarity, balance, and calm reason. Dissolves negativity, and transforms it into Love. Assists one in creating peaceful, loving, kind relationships. Helps heal, tumors and anemia. 6th, 7th chakras. Aries stone. #4, and #7 vibrations. An iron ore. Reddish, gray or black. Hematite enhances focus, concentration, will-power, reliability, courage, confidence, optimism, trust, balance and stability. This stone has been traditionally considered to have a beneficial effect on legal situations. Enhances memory and original thought. Recommended by Monique Chapman, April 2003. .Howlite Combines reasoning, observation and patience, providing for discernment. Fosters appreciation of beauty, inspiration, creativity and artistic expression. "Tranquility Stone" Calmness, and balance of emotions. Encourages open, honest, heart to heart communication. Dissolves fear and rage. Gives discernment and patience. In the moment action. Enthusiasm. Discretion, memory, endurance. Ambition.3rd, 4th, 5th chakra. Gemini stone. #3, and #6 vibrations. (Snowy white, sometimes with brown or black veins. Rarely clear, commonly dyed to look like turquoise.) Iolite Little blinking (dichroism) blue beads on lace agate necklace 9-8-03 from Janie – Gentle increase in psychic ability , protects one during psychic exploration, power & achievement. Jade Reduces eyestrain and negativity, promotes longevity, dreams. Endurance. All jade augments longevity, fertility, serenity, wisdom, practicality, tranquility, balance, peace, harmony, moderation, perspective, equilibrium and stability. This is a stone that helps us understand our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of nature and spirit. Jasper Can look orange like Carnelian, “opaque”. Strength, powerful physical healer, protects against negativity. Associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing, consolation, tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle endings. This stone is good for those who need more organizational abilities. "The supreme nurturer". Highly valued by shamen as a sacred and powerful stone of protection and grounding. Provides safety during astral travel. Brings the energy of the sun to rejuvinate and strengthen the body. Helps tissue regeneration and smell. 1st, 2nd chakras. Leo stone. #1, and #5 vibrations. (speckled green or red) .Jasper, Ocean Increases creativity, originality, balances all chakars & strengthens body. (Flower designs) .Jasper, Picture Jasper – (Patterned) Jasper, Banded Jasper – (Striped) Jasper Red – Grounds energy, aids dream recall. Lapis Lazuli Strengthens total awareness, ESP, skeleton, thyroid, creativity. Wisdom, communication, self acceptance. Lapis Lazuli is associated with truthfulness, openness, inner power, love, purification, intuition, a sense of wonder and mystery, positive magic, self-confidence, virility, manifestation, an appreciation of mystery, psychic ability and tranquility. This stone is also considered strengthening to mind and body. Lapis lazuli allows us to tap our own inner power while purifying the soul and the thoughts. Helps us contact our spirit guardians. Psychic facilitator. Used by ancient Egyptians to access sacred knowledge. Cleanses the mind body and spirit of toxins and negativity. Key words are: will, perfection, awareness. Encourages integrity in relationships. Strengthens the immune system. 6th chakra. Sagittarius, and Aries stone. #1,#7, and #9 vibrations. (AKA: Lazulite The color is dark blue with gold flecks) .Kunzite "The stone of unity" aligns the heart with the head and the throat, facilitating loving feelings, thoughts, and words. Purifies the entire being by tapping into the Source directly. Teaches "solitude in the crowd", inner freedom. Heals the heart. 4th chakra and up. Scorpio and Taurus stone. #2 vibration. FOR DBC. Kunzite is associated with gentleness, friendliness, self-discipline, emotional balance, inner love, maturity, security, calmness, openness and moderation. This stone helps us to attract gentle friends and teaches us to combine compassionate self-love with discipline. (A pink to light violet member of the Spodumene clan) |
06-11-03 Verna Yater sold this to me for $45.00. It came from a woman in St. Louis who sold it to her. Deflects unwanted energies from aura, prevent energy leakage. Relieves stress, treats eyes and brain. Heart Chakra. Transforms intuitive thinking into intellectual thinking. Labradorite promotes psychic abilities, occult powers, strength of will and a feeling of inner worth. Labradorite strengthens and protects our aura and teaches us to use mystical Power wisely and well. This stone also aids us in communicating with our highest self and with the Creator. (Dark to gray-black, blue or green Feldspar, Canada) Limestone – Is said to enhance healing, purification, innocence, centeredness and positive thoughts. Mica Isinglass is the early 2th Century name for Mica when it was used a windows in arc lamp projection lights, heaters, stoves, and lanterns on early cars. Today, Mica has many uses, as an insulator, drywall repair, glitter, and even as a substrate for atomic microscope specimens. It can be felted together to form sheets used in manufacturing lamp shades. Mica forms in sheets and is semi-transparent. Meteorite Meteorites augment cosmic wisdom, channeling, celestial love, communication with angelic realm and space beings, and psychic powers. Meteorites aid in the evolution of human kind, accelerating our mental growth and abilities. (Meteorites are shooting stars that land on earth) .Moldavite Increases ability to receive messages during mediation. Spiritual development. Moldavite especially good for channeling healing energy. Helps us to communicate with our higher self and with extra-terrestrials. (Bottle Green, Czechoslovakia, from meteorites hitting the earth, glass-like.) 9-8-03 from Janie – Higher spiritual connections YIN, receptive to contact with cosmos, earth. Obsidian Black Transforms negative environmental energies. Strengthens prophesy, do not use for long periods. Letting go. Brings purification, transformation, inner growth, fulfillment, metamorphoses, manifestation, introspection, practicality, psychic ability and the correct use of inner power. This stone exposes our rationalizations and illusions about ourselves. (Formed when lava is quickly cooled.) Obsidian Mahogany – Promotes acceptance of our sensuality and sexuality. .Obsidian Snowflake End of challenging time, self-power. Keeps us balanced during times of change. Onyx Relieves stress and grief, strengthens self-control and morality. Protection. Self mastery. Visions, and guidance through meditation and dreams. Balances Yin and Yang. Reveals one's own duality. Helpful in treating glaucoma, epilepsy, and cell damage. Attuned to 1st and 5th chakra's. Stone of Leo. #7 vibration. This stone promotes increased vigor, strength, stamina, constancy, steadfastness, permanence, tenacity, firmness, durability and self-control. Valuable in difficult or confusing times of our lives. (Quartz. Usually black or brown with white bands. A type of Chalcedony.) Opal Recalls past lives, aids inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight. Happiness. OCTOBER. The stone of visionaries. Intensifies and encourages moment by moment "being-ness". Attracts flashes of inspiration, psychic insights, and clairvoyance. Opal surrounds the user with an aura of mystery, intensity, and charisma. Shape-shifter. They can assist one to seem to disappear at will, and they can disappear when their assistance is no longer needed. "Burns" out infections, heals and clears eyesight, and balances the metabolism. 5th, 6th, and 7th chakras. Stone of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. #1,#5, #8, and #9 vibrations. Pearl Promotes antibodies and fights infection. Inspires purity, honesty, innocence, integrity, concentration, focus, meditation, serenity, tranquillity and wisdom. Helps us get in touch with the simple honest things of life. .Peridot A warm, friendly, happy stone. Tonic for the whole body, healing. Strengthens, and regenerates all organs, stimulating new, healthy growth. Balances bio-rythmic cycles. Protects the user from negativity. Helps heal infection, ulcers, and thyroid. 4th chakra. Stone of Virgo. #2, and #3 vibrations. Inspires healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It alleviates anger, jealousy and irritation. It is associated with stress reduction, relaxation, health vigor, recuperative abilities, comfort and intuition. Especially good for healing the healers. (Yellow-green, olive-green, brown. Also known as Olivine or Chrysolite.) .Petrified Wood Connection to Earth and Nature, removes petty annoyances. Joints. Provides access to past lives when used for this purpose during meditation. Brings serenity to the user, Balance. Grounding. Vitality. Provides protection from disease. Assists in healing bones, strengthens spine, hearing. Attunes to 1st chakra, Leo stone. #4 vibration. Associated with stability, security, strength, longevity, grounding, calmness and wisdom. Helps us communicate with trees. Teaches us to respect old people and ancient knowledge. (Fossilized tees. Grays, reds, browns.) .Prehnite Facilitates trustworthiness, truth, calmness, sincerity and sensitivity. (Yellow-green, yellow-brown.) Pyrite Cubic Expands and structures mental capabilities, balancing instinct and intuition, creativity with analysis. Useful when planning large business concepts; teaches how to see behind the facade to what is rally there. Excellent energy shield, blocking out negative energy and pollutants. Throat or under pillow. Cubic Pyrite fosters intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis and creativity. Encourages communication between the conscious and subconscious minds, and between the left and right hemispheres. Promotes psychic development, memory, practicality, optimism, strength of will, channeling abilities, learning and perception. Allows us to tap and unfold our unique talents and abilities. (A yellow metallic mineral, metal cube rock from Janie, she bought a polished one at Boweres 06-28-03) Quartz Programmable stone, breaks bad habits, headaches, channeling stone, enlightenment. Universal conduit. Amplifies, focuses, stores, transforms, energies. Perfect for focusing affirmations and prayers. Stimulates psychic perception. Teaches each person at their own level, and at their own speed. Empowers. Attunes to all chakras, all signs, and all numbers. Quartz Rose Reduces weight, wrinkles; increases self-assuredness, love stone, heart awakening. "Stone of warmth and love" Heals emotional pain with it's gentle calming salve. Balances Yin and Yang. Opens the heart to the beauty within and without Cherubic energies are attracted to the user, protecting, and dissolving negativity. Attunes to 4th chakra. Taurus and Libra stone. #2, and #6 vibrations. Enhances all forms of love: self-love, mother love, caring, kindness, platonic and romantic live. Opens our hearts and encourages us to be tender, peaceful and gentle. Emanates unconditional love and nurturance and helps us attract positive, gentle love into our lives. Teaches forgiveness and tolerance. Quartz Smokey Relieves depression, tension, balances sexual energies. Fosters serenity, calmness, positive thoughts; calms fears; lifts depression. Also associated with stability, practicality, intuition, pride, joy and a realistic, grounded spirituality. Helps us turn our wishes, dreams and desires into reality. Helps us tap subconscious wisdom. Teaches us to simplify our lives and always to live in a sacred manner. Quartz Snow – Found as water worn pebbles. Quartz Tourmalinated Long thick ‘threads’ in clear crystal. Harmonizes disparate and opposite elements. Problem solver. .Rhodochrosite Emotional balance. ‘Stone of love & balance.’ Energizes & purifies. Further assists in expansion of one’s consciousness. Gently & quickly balances the emotions. Shifts patterns & pushes change. Angelic teacher of love and equilibrium. Unites and balances male and female both within and without. Attracts the "perfect" love to the user with the intention to learn how to love. Inspires healthy love of the self and of the Earth. 1st, 2nd, and 4th chakras. Scorpio stone. #2, and #6 vibrations. Change. Gives one confidence while making desired changes. Very supportive. One can make large changes very quickly with this stone. Rose or peach-colored, with white band. Healing, comfort, harmony, amity and friendship. Promotes smooth energy flow, emotional expressiveness, kindness, tolerance, compassion and self love. Helps us live our spiritual beliefs. Rhodochrosite corresponds to the heart chakra and stimulates healing of love wounds. 05-18-03 , little small pocket stone. Receipt amount with other things, 8.08 (many eights) 06-03 Found childhood stone, long and skinny, one of four from youth, broke by falling on bathroom stone floor, bought pendant to use on keychain, 06-25-03. (pink stones with stripes, Gillman, Colorado) Ruby – JULY Sapphire The stone of "holy blessings" draws protection, and prophetic wisdom to the user. Attracts and oversees one's divine destiny or "mission" in life, instilling hope, faith and joy during the journey. Sapphire can focus healing, loving energy on anyone needing it, without the user's participation, in this way it seems to possess an innate higher intelligence of it's own. 6th,7th, and higher chakras. Stone of Virgo, Aquarius, and libra. #2, #6, and #9 vibrations. SEPTEMBER. ? sp Sardonys – AUGUST (? Sp) .Serpentine Inspires respect for the elderly, longevity, retrieval of ancient wisdom and remembrance of past lives. (Various hues of green. California Rock, along freeway cuts and RSSD hill) Silver – energy conductor, eases stress and improves speech, feminine energy. .Sodalite Encourages rational thinking, logic, intelligence, emotional balance, intuition, higher knowledge, clarity, truth and perception. Fosters knowledge, learning proficiency, consciousness, communication and wisdom. This stone helps us unite the logical with the spiritual. (Deep blue with white streaks and flecks.) .Sugilite "The stone of Higher Love". Powerful healer and teacher of self-healing and manifestation. Reminds one to "Remember who they are". Reveals the users innate spiritual gifts and facilitates their expression. Helps heal headaches and cancer. Helps us attain conscious awareness, spirituality, positive thoughts and feelings as well as channeling ability. It helps our souls remain unhurt by the shocks and disappointments of the world. Keeps away hostility. Works with Moldavite. 6th, and 7th chakras. Virgo stone. # 11, and #33 vibrations. (Dark purple, fuscia color. Also known as Luvulite.) Tanzanite Stone of magic, facilitates spiritual awareness, stimulates insight. Is linked with composure, poise and harmony. Teaches us to slow down and take it easy. Good for workaholics. (A blue form of Zoisite.) Janie gave us a cut stone set in gold as wedding present, 1985. Topaz NOVEMBER. Blue Topaz inspires leadership ability, psychic knowing, spiritual growth, tranquillity and psychic insight. Clear Topaz - helps us communicate with Devas (Nature Spirits) and with all the animals and plants of the earth. Golden Topaz builds generosity, happiness, humor, optimism, creativity, wisdom, inspiration, abundance and love. It also attracts love to us and teaches us about spiritual love. Green Topaz guides us towards forgiveness and understanding. Pink Topaz promotes honor and truth.Malachite Lucky money stone, aids sleep, asthma, and labor, intense and probing. Charisma, joints. "Transformation." Powerful healer, absorbs illness directly. Clarifies and keeps clear the path. Assists in the manifestation of the heart's desire. Strengthens intuition, and can reveal the root of a problem. Protection from radiation. 4th chakra. Capricorn Stone. #8, and #22 vibrations. Augments loyalty, leadership ability, protection. Subconscious wisdom, comfort, balance, peace, sensitivity, emotional maturity. inner clarity, self-understanding, positive transformation and healing. This stone reflects the feelings of these who wear it. It also promotes purification and healing dreams as well as drawing out negative energy. (A green metallic mineral. Comes in varying shades of green and is often banded.) Topaz, smoky – Protection Tourmaline Balances male-female energy, right and left brain. Attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance, and prosperity. Tourmaline Pink (w/jasper necklace) relieves fatigue, anemia, increases success, and wisdom and love. Endurance. Brings healing power to the user. Excellent for balancing left and right brain, as well as all of the chakras. Gives the user discernment and "sight" into a given situation. Inspires and awakens. Attunes to chakra/s of like color. Stone of Libra. #6 and #7 vibrations. .Turquoise Brings friendship, mental relaxation, and respiratory system. Self confidence and friendship. Increases serenity, protection, meditation energy, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. Considered to be generally healing and fostering of empathy, positive thinking and sensitivity. Connects us with all life. Unikite – Green body, pink areas, green & pink .Variscite Chalky green tumbled heart-shaped beach rock “Stone of Encouragement” Give hope and courage. Aids past life exploration. Augments moral courage, virtue, self-reliance and success. Is also considered emotionally calming and soothing. Helps us remember our past lives. (Green-yellow, blue.) |
Also see:
Yoga, Reiki, Crystals & Gemstones, Circadian System.
Yoga, Reiki, Crystals & Gemstones, Circadian System.