LED TM-30 - Learning Objectives
Why use TM-30?Since LED light sources do not mimic daylight, there is a need to have some metrics for comparison to familiar light sources of sunlight, incandescent and halogen. Lighting Facts is a good start; however, to consider more details than Kelvin & CRI, use TM-30 metrics.
The 99 colors used for testing includes printed materials, skin tones, natural objects, paints and textiles. TM-30 Tests for 99 ColorsTM-30 Color Type Key:
A-Nature B-Skin C-Textiles D-Paints E-Plastics F-Printed Materials G-Color Systems TM-30 Color Rendering Test Colors
TM-30-18 as a Spec ToolLearn about TM-30’s Annex E – the key to using TM-30 in a spec – in my free webinar on ETC’s Learning Stages. MyETC account (also free) required. https://courses.etcconnect.com/course/view.php?id=163. AIA credit available. ETC Product Technology Specialist – Color - Wendy Luedtke
ANSI/IES TM-30-18 - IES Method for Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition
Download or purchase the official 26 page PDF:
https://www.ies.org/product/ies-method-for-evaluating-light-source-color-rendition/ |
Photo Credits
- TM-30 Photos courtesy ETC
- Lighting Facts Card - DOE - Department of Energy
- TM-30 Test Colors - IES TM-30-15 Errata