The purpose of
The bridge between lighting research & lighting design application.
This is the place where visitors can learn about lighting design, color, circadian systems, and light pollution. This education website is where I teach the art and science of illumination, lighting design basics, share what I learn, and explore current research.
Each topic page has footnotes, citing scientific articles from many resources including: The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis (CLTC), and the Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) Recommended Practice (RP) series of publications.
No advertising – only complex information presented simply, this website is dynamic, changing over time as lighting topics are introduced and expanded. For design inspiration and services, visit my Pinterest 'Beautiful Lighting' boards and lighting design website. Thank you for visiting Trish Odenthal
This is the place where visitors can learn about lighting design, color, circadian systems, and light pollution. This education website is where I teach the art and science of illumination, lighting design basics, share what I learn, and explore current research.
Each topic page has footnotes, citing scientific articles from many resources including: The Lighting Research Center (LRC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), California Lighting Technology Center, UC Davis (CLTC), and the Illuminating Engineering Society's (IES) Recommended Practice (RP) series of publications.
No advertising – only complex information presented simply, this website is dynamic, changing over time as lighting topics are introduced and expanded. For design inspiration and services, visit my Pinterest 'Beautiful Lighting' boards and lighting design website. Thank you for visiting Trish Odenthal
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