Keep watching as this new light source is developed, explored, and utilized by lighting designers and applications engineers.
OLED Trends and Future
On May 17, 2016, the OLED Coalition and California Lighting Technology Center collaborated to host the first OLED Lighting Workshop. Leaders in lighting design and manufacturing gathered to mold the future of OLED lighting. Stakeholders in attendance articulated their needs and ideas for maximizing the potential of OLED technology in today’s market. [1]
Flexible OLED
Flexible and thin, OLED allow for new lighting fixture designs. Unlike Traditional LED sources that are being used to imitate other light sources such as Halogen and Metal Halide, OLED are allowing fixture designers to imagine new applications for this thin flexible light source.
Examples of OLED Lighting Fixtures
Peter Ngai of Acuity Brands and included a manufacturer showcase, hands-on interaction with the OLED products, and breakout sessions. Discussions focused on how to improve products, determine appropriate OLED applications, and identify collaboration opportunities. [1]
OLED Lighting in the Offices of Aurora Lighting Design, Inc.
Good light Levels Possible with OLED and Low Glare increase Lighting Quality [3] [4]
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